The interest of the country’s wheat farmers is getting attracted towards farming using new experiments, in which they produce different types of crops. Farmers are now showing more interest in cultivating new varieties of vegetables and crops. In this, the cultivation towards which the farmers have been most inclined is the crop of wheat and paddy because it gives better income to the farmers. And for productivity farmers use the Mahindra 265 Tractor model which is efficient and massive in performance.
At present, wide varieties of wheat are present in India. Some species are more productive, and some are disease resistant. But their seeds are similar in appearance, but the source of wheat is. The trend of farmers’ brothers is also increasing more for wheat than for regular wheat. Due to this, there is more demand for grain in the markets. Apart from this, wheat export has also increased significantly because the farmers’ attention is more on grain.
Wheat Medicinal Properties
Many medicinal properties are found in wheat, which rich in anthocyanin. It has natural antioxidant and antibiotic properties, effective in problems like diabetes, knee pain, heart attack, cancer, anaemia and mental stress. Wheat has a slightly different taste, but it is also quite nutritious.
Cultivation Method
If you use a seed drill method for sowing wheat, you can save seed and fertiliser. Wheat also produced like regular wheat. Sowing is done by buying its sources from the market. Usually, 100 KG of seed per hectare of field and 125 KG seeds in coarse grains are costs for sowing in rows. Similarly, if the roots sown by spraying, then 125 KG regular grains and 150 KG coarse grains applied per hectare in the field. Before planting the seed, check the deposition percentage. This facility is free of cost at state research centers. If the germination rate of the seeds found to be low, then increase the seed rate, and if there no certified seed, the seeds purified. For this, before sowing the seeds, treat the seeds with PSV, Azetuvector. Use raised weed method for planting in areas with limited irrigation, giving 75 kg and 100 kg coarse grain per hectare in average conditions.
Before growing crops, put the quantity of zinc and urea in the field and give DAP manure with the help of a drill. When sowing wheat seeds, give 20 KG Muriate Potash, 45 KG Urea, 50 KG DAP and 10 KG Zinc Sulphate per acre, and give 60 KG Urea during first irrigation.
Prior to developing crops, put the amount of zinc and urea in the field and give DAP fertilizer with the assistance of a drill. While planting wheat seeds, give 20 KG Muriate Potash, 45 KG Urea, 50 KG DAP and 10 KG Zinc Sulfate for every section of land, and give 60 KG Urea during first water system.
The first irrigation of wheat done three weeks after sowing the seeds. Even after this, water the plants from time to time. Irrigation done before the sowing of plants and during grain ripening. For excellent irrigation purposes the tractor used efficiently, and farmers use Massey 1035 tractor model for better functioning. Also, it is economical for farmers so that marginal farmers can purchase it easily.
Weed Control
Often many types of weeds come out in the field with the crop. If these weeds not controlled on time, then a 10 to 40 per cent reduction in crop yield seen. The outbreak of weeds like the broad leaf and grass family is more visible in the crop.
To control weeds such as buckthorn, nectar, bathua, wild carrot, Sanji and chatri-matri, dosing of 0.625 gm of 2,4-D salt 80% (Tophysad, Farnexan) or 2,4-D ethyl ester 36% (Weeden, Bladex C) in 700 to 800 litres of water and prepare the mixture. After this, 25 to 30 days after sowing, spraying in the field per hectare. Wheat and wild oats are more prevalent in narrow-leafed weeds. If more such an outbreak saw, then instead of the crop, sow Rijeka or Berseem crop.
Production of Wheat
When the grains in its plants become hard after ripening, and only 20-25 per cent moisture content remains in the grains, the crop harvested. So now, if we talk about wheat production, 10 to 12 quintals of grain produced from one bigha farm.
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